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Precambrian group

Precambrian group lead by V.N.Puchkov.

Sergeeva Nina Dmitrievna

Joined the Institute: 1971.

Current professional position: Senior Researcher

Education: Bashkirian State University, Department of Geography, and Voronezh State University, Faculty of Geology (1980).

PhD: Geology and Mineralogy Dissertation defended in 1989, entitled: «Mineralogical correlation of the Upper Precambrian deposits of the Southern Urals»

Scientific interests: studies of general and regional geology, mineralogy, geochemistry and stratigraphy of the Upper Precambrian deposits and magmatic complexes of the Southern Urals and the East of the East European platform with the aim of refining the geology of the Precambrian deposits of the Region and detalization of regional stratigraphic schemes, aimed to a refining of the General stratigraphic scheme of the Precambrian of Russia.

Ratov Alexandr Alexandrovich

Joined the Institute: 2013.

Current professional position: Junior researcher.

Education: Bashkirian State University (2013).

Scientific activity connected with studies in the field of geotectonics, regional geology, mineralogy and geochemistry of the Upper Precambrian magmatic rocks of the Southern Urals and the East of the of the Russian platform with the aim of their correlation, and definition of the geodynamic conditions of their origin.

Kozlova Olga Vyacheslavovna

Joined the Institute: 2011.

Current professional position: Engineer-researcher.

Education: Bashkirian State University (1987), Department of Geography.

She studies the mineralogy of terrigenous deposits of the Riphean and Vendian of the Southern Urals and adjacent areas of the East European platform, with the aim of their correlation using accessory minerals.

Major publications of the group:

Puchkov V.N., Krasnobaev A.A., Sergeeva N.D. 2016. Obnovlennajа shema raschleneniyа stratotipicheskogo razreza rifejа.// Obshayа stratigraficheskayа shkala i metodicheskie problemy razrabotki regional’nykh stratigraficheskikh shkal Rossii. Materialy Mezhvedomstvennogo rabochego soveshaniyа. Sankt-Peterburg, 17-20 Oktjаbrjа 2016. SPB: VSEGEI, S. 137-139 (in Russian).

Sergeeva N.D., Puchkov V.N. 2016. Stratigrafiyа rifeyа i venda Volgo-Ural’skoi oblasti (izmeneniyа i dopolneniyа).// Obshayа stratigraficheskayа shkala i metodicheskie problemy razrabotki regional’nykh stratigraficheskikh shkal Rossii. Materialy Mezhvedomstvennogo rabochego soveshaniyа. Sankt-Peterburg 17-20 Oktjаbrjа 2016. SPB: VSEGEI, S. 157-159 (in Russian).

Sergeev V. N., Knoll A H., Vorob’eva N. G., Sergeeva N. D. 2016. Microfossils from the lower Mesoproterozoic Kaltasy Formation, East European Platform. Prеcambrian Research 378 p. 87-107.
Puchkov V., Ernst R. E., Hamilton M. A., Söderlund Ulf & Sergeeva N. A 2016. Devonian >2000-km-long dolerite dyke swarm belt and associated basalts along the Urals-Novozemelian fold-belt: part of an East-European (Baltica) LIP tracing the Tuzo Superswell. GFF Journal, Vol. 138, Issue 1, January, pages 6-16. doi:10.1080/11035897.

Krasnobaev A.A., Busharina S.V., Puchkov V.N., Sergeeva N.D. 2015. Uranium-lead age of zircons from granites and the substrate of the Mazara Massif (Southern Urals)//Doklady Earth Sciences. Т. 463. № 1. С. 719-725.

Krasnobaev A. A., Puchkov V. N. Sergeeva N. D., and Busharina S. V. Uranium–Lead Age of Zircons from Granites and the Substrate of the Mazara Massif (Southern Urals)//Doklady Earth Sciences, 2015, Vol. 463, Part 1, pp. 719–725.

Sperling E.A., Rooney A.D., Hays L., Johnston D.T., Knoll A.H., Selby D., Sergeev V.N., Vorob’eva N.G., Sergeeva N.D. 2014. redox heterogeneity of subsurface waters in the mesoproterozoic ocean. // Geobiology Т. 12. № 5. С. 373-386.

Puchkov V., Krasnobaev A., Sergeeva N. 2014.The new data on stratigraphy of the Riphean stratotype in the Southern Urals, RUSSIA//Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection. Т. 2. С. 108.
Puchkov V.N., Kozlov V.I., Sergeeva N.D., Bogdanova S.V., Söderlund U., Ernst R.E., Krasnobaev A.A., Postnikov A.V., Wingate M.T.D. 2013.THE CA. 1380MA Mashak igneous event of the Southern Urals // Lithos.. Т. 174. С. 109-124.

Krasnobaev A.A., Busharina S.V., Kozlov V.I., Puchkov V.N., Sergeeva N.D., Paderin I.P. 2013. Zircon geochronology of the Mashak Volcanic Rocks and the problem of the age of the Lower-Middle Riphean boundary (Southern Urals)//Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation. Т. 21. № 5. С. 465-481.

Krasnobaev A.A., Busharina S.V., Puchkov V.N., Kozlov V.I., Sergeeva N.D., Lepekhina E.N. 2013. Zirconology of Navysh volcanic rocks of the Ai suite and the problem of the age of the Lower Riphean boundary in the Southern Urals // Doklady Earth Sciences. Т. 448. № 2. С. 185-190.

Kozlov V.I., Puchkov V.N, Sergeeva N.D. 2011. Novajа shema raschlenenijа razreza parametricheskoi skvazhiny 1 Kulguninskajа (Yuzhnyi Ural). Ufa: DizainPoligraf Servis. 60s.

Kah L.C., Crawford D.C., Bartley J.K., Kozlov V.I., Sergeeva N.D., Puchkov V.N. 2007.
C-and SR- isotope chemostratigraphy as a tool for verifying age of Riphean deposits in the Kama-BelayA aulacogen, the East European Platform /Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation. Т. 15. № 1. С. 12-29.

Kozlov V.I., Muslimov R.H., Gatiyаtullin N.S., Genina L.A., Sergeeva N.D., Larionov, N.N,
Mihailov P.N., Baranov V.V. 1995.Verhnii dokembrii vostochnykh raionov Tatarstana i perspektivy ego neftegazonosnosti. Ufa: IG UNC RAN, 218 s. (in Russian).